Kicking the Gigolo

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“Cin? Is everything all right? It’s only nine o’clock.”

“ I’m like so pissed. I’m at Steven’s place. Oh, man. I want to kill.”

“Cin, what happened?”

“Check this out. Steven went out for some food, right? So I said I wanted to stay here. We had gotten funky and he wiped me out so bad he was like so fine. But check this out. After he leaves, the phone rings, right? And like, I don’t know this guy or anything so I figure hell, I ain’t his answering service or nothing. So I let the machine pick it up, right. And it’s this girl. Sounded like a white chick. So she’s yelling into the machine, wanting to know where he was last night and tonight or whatever.”

“Damn! I knew this guy was too good to be true.”

“But check this! She didn’t call the guy Steven. She called him Sergio.”

“So she had the wrong phone number, right? Please. Tell me I’m right.”

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