September 2003 (Updated on the 15th)



recommended Books

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“The Name of God”

     In the New Kingdom period of ancient Egypt, eighteenth dynasty (1350-1334 b.c.), Pharaoh Akhenaten introduced his one God, the Aten (or sun disc) to his people. By the sixth year of his reign, he had closed down the temples of the other popular gods of Egypt in favor of the Aten. Could this have been, somehow, the same God, that we worship, today?

     The Native American people honored and worshipped their Great Spirit, known by different names to different tribes; could this, also, have been the same God?

     Jehovah. Yahweh. Father. Allah. God. These are all names given to the God's of the world's monotheistic religions. These three all share the same background: the Old Testament. Yet, wars have been fought and lasting, bitter enmities have been formed, due to the differences in the various religious faiths of the world.

     Christianity, itself, is divided into several, varied denominations; each believing that they are right and the rest are wrong, as is the case with differing religions. But how different are these groups, really, aside from their varied means of worship?

     Many cultures of the world have a recorded account of a great flood covering the earth, as the one in Genesis chapter seven. We, all, share the same histories; could it be that we all share the same God? Perhaps our only differences are in the means of worship and the names of God.

     In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Act II Scene I), Juliet stated, "That which we call a roses, by any other word would smell as sweet." Would not the same be true of God? Is not God, by any other name, still God?


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“A Question of Meaning”
In Po Bronson's book "What Should I Do With My Life?", he interviews a number of people who ask themselves this question.         Click to see!

“The Shadow of Humor”
Is humor evil? Sometimes it seems that humor is nothing more than a mask for sarcasm, an awfully thin line that has to be watched. Generally, a victim must be supplied for the supposed joke to go off without a hitch.         Click to see!