It’s all part of the plan, you know?

You know, it’s like I have this kind of plan: I am going to get married? And then have kids? But I am going to finish college first I don’t know what it is I want to be? I don’t know when it is I am going? But maybe I will sit in on a class. I don’t know. I was going to look for classes online? But first I am going to get a job. I don’t know where. Oh, Mark called me? He left me a text, so I saw him on Facebook and he is transferring again. It’s been ages. So I don’t know? He doesn’t know what he wants to do with himself, so I don’t know if I want to like, even text him because he is so confused? I know what I want and I kind of like, want someone who knows himself too? It’s like, so important to have goals and to have a plan. I like the idea that I know exactly what I want? I can see everything around me, and just know what to do? I don’t know what is going on next Saturday. I left my phone at home so I can’t check?

So, what about you stranger? Why are you so quiet? Don’t you know I want to hear about you? Oh, did you see what happened to Julie? It’s like………………..